Trashing Clothes to Make a Point

I’ve come to the conclusion that confessing to wrongdoing is, in fact, morally superior to simply doing the right thing to begin with. When you consider the grand scope of things, a vantage point I consider exclusively, admitting to immorality requires twice as much courage and integrity than just doing the ethical thing from

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I’m unemployed without a backup plan. I left my job as a high school Spanish teacher after deciding that teaching second generation immigrants their own language was not quite as fulfilling as Ms. Honey made it out to be. Not to mention after years of teaching not a single student ever performed a telekinetic

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Bad Haircut

Today I got a bad haircut. It took about four days of clear skin to become so outrageously confident that I walked into a barber shop on a weekday. This confidence, however, was only meant to last for so long. Whether it was the balancing of my chakras or my ying catching up to

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Bible School from Hell

As a child I had a wicker basket full of toys, but it wasn’t until I saw Toy Story that I began to look at them as more than play things and as a basis for a personality. Andy had Woody so he loved cowboys, watched cowboy movies, wore cowboy hats, had a cowboy

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Thoughts in a Work Meeting

Once a week I meet with a small group of teachers to observe a classroom. We gather around our principal who guides a few students through a learning activity. We take notes as we observe, then meet for a short debrief intended as an opportunity to learn from each other’s perspective. This, incidentally, doubles

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Teaching’s Easy

There is a common misconception that teaching is difficult. It’s not. The act of teaching is actually incredibly simple: listen to what I say, write it down, and memorize. The challenge comes when I’m forced to stop what I’m saying to negotiate the release of a rubber band pulled taut by the amateur marksman

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