Floss Pics

Below is a gallery of the floss picks I’ve seen on the sidewalk. I started documenting floss picks a little over a year ago when I noticed how often I see them strewn on the ground.

I think it’s strange because for me flossing is private, not a casual pastime to enjoy while walking down the street. 

For others, flossing is a casual pastime to enjoy while walking down the street. It’s like smoking a cigarette or snapping your fingers; a thoughtless way to keep your hands busy.

I’ve never flossed without thinking about flossing. Below is evidence that some people can floss crossing an intersection, then flick away the evidence without a second thought.

Are you a public flosser? What about a tooth pick? Do you think dental hygiene should be a private endeavor hidden behind closed doors or should we begin to more intimately integrate dental care into our day to day lives?

Comment below.

2 thoughts on “Floss Pics”

  1. Even when in the comfort of your own home, please keep that shit (floss pick) contained to the bathroom and even then preferably the trash. smh

    Thank you for your journalism

  2. i’ve missed these posts tim, it’s good to see you’re back
    i’ve never noticed the remains of forgotten flossers, but i will now be sure to look out for them on my next outing

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